To report an accessibility issue with the site, or other materials, please click on the Accessibility Issue Reporting Form below.
Accessibility Issue Reporting Form
It is our goal to enable all our webpages to provide complete accessibility to all authorized users of such webpages. To meet our accessibility goal, we strive to ensure everyone visiting our websites has access to the data on the site that is at least comparable to that provided to any other persons authorized to access the site.
If you or someone you are assisting use assistive technology (such as a Braille reader, a screen reader, TTY, etc.) and the format of any material on our websites interferes with the ability to access any information or the information provided does not appear to be comparable to the information others can access on our site, please contact for assistance in this matter. Please indicate the nature of the accessibility problem, the preferred format you would like to receive the material, the web address of the inaccessible material, and your contact information – so that we may respond in a manner most helpful to you.
Accessibility in ATI Programs
ATI’s programs provide accessible products, documentation, services, and websites recognizing that Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, is mandatory for some and aspirational for all others. Beyond the legislative compliance, we recognize that universal design and accessibility are simply the right thing to do and we are striving for universal accessibility, regardless of the applicability of Section 508 to our programs.
We are committed to providing accessible software products and documentation through the ongoing evolution of our business. Recognizing that accessible software also provides ease-of-use, we incorporate universal design into our planning process. As we develop our products, documentation, services, and websites, we test them with assistive technologies and with operating system accessibility extensions to assess their compliance with applicable Section 508 accessibility criteria established by the federal government. Unfortunately, the extent of our ability to provide comparable access capabilities is limited by current software and hardware capabilities.
As accessibility requirements, standards and methodologies evolve, our customers can be assured that we are upgrading our site and our technologies as fast as we can in order to achieve our goal of universal accessibility.
Downloadable Documents
To read downloadable PDF documents on this website, you will need to go to the Adobe website and download the latest PDF viewing software.
We will occasionally update this privacy statement. When we do, we will also revise the “last updated” date at the bottom of this page.
Last Updated: May 31, 2024