MTEC members awarded to advance treatments for repeated mild traumatic brain injury

Astrocyte Pharmaceuticals and the University of Kentucky (partnered with Mitochon Pharmaceuticals) are working diligently to advance the development of drug treatments for repeated mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Each received $500,000 awards co-funded by the Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium and BrightFocus Foundation to support preclinical studies, preparation for clinical studies, and submission of an IND application. These awards are exciting, not only for the research they will foster, but also because they represent a milestone for MTEC in coupling significant philanthropic funds with MTEC funding to further the advancement of military medicine.
BrightFocus Foundation, a leading funder of scientific research on diseases of mind and sight, manages a global portfolio of 220 grants representing $50M in research investments. It partnered with MTEC to address a critical need in brain research and drug development. Despite numerous clinical trials on potential therapies, there is no FDA approved drug therapy for the treatment of TBI. Veterans who have experienced repeated mTBIs have been found to be at two to three times the risk of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
About MTEC:
The Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium seeks to accelerate the delivery of technology and medical solutions that prevent and treat injuries and restore America’s military and veterans to full health. MTEC is supported by Advanced Technology International.
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