ATI lands new award to organize Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium

ATI announced today that it has received a 6-month award from the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC) to organize a new Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium (MTEC).
The award assigns ATI responsibility for organizing the new consortium which will engage in biomedical research and prototyping; capitalization of private sector technology opportunities; technology transfer; and commercialization of intellectual property and follow-on production. The consortium’s mission is to assist the USAMRMC and others by providing cutting-edge technologies to transition medical solutions to industry. These technologies will protect, treat and optimize the health and performance of U.S. Service Members across the full spectrum of military operations.
ATI will serve as prime contractor for MTEC and is joined by teaming partners RTI International, Tunnell Government Services, Changing Our World and Innovation Financing Roundtable.
The USAMRMC will formally announce the award on Aug. 19, 2015 during the Military Health System Research Symposium in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
ATI will locate MTEC’s headquarters at its Applied Technology Center in Summerville, South Carolina. The technology domains where MTEC intends to operate include: Military Infectious Diseases; Combat Casualty Care; Military Operational Medicine; Clinical and Rehabilitative Medicine; Medical Chemical, Biological and Radiological Defense; Advanced Medical Technologies; and Medical Training and Health Information Sciences.
Following the six-month period, the government will have the option to begin collaborative research operations with the consortium through a long-term agreement.
“We are thrilled to join with the U.S. Army medical research professionals in this innovative approach for maintaining and restoring the health of our service men and women,” said ATI President Chris Van Metre. “We look forward to leveraging the experience we have gained from managing similar government and industry enterprise partnerships and applying it to this important endeavor.”
About ATI:
ATI builds and manages research collaborations that develop technology solutions to complex challenges. ATI leads diverse industries and organizations to develop technology solutions, typically for the Department of Defense and other federal clients. Our collaborative approach can be used to develop solutions for any industry or discipline. Our current R&D portfolio includes shipbuilding and ship repair, advanced materials, medical technologies, electromagnetic spectrum technologies and rapid DoD prototyping. Where it is a client goal, ATI ensures wide-spread industry adoption and application of new technologies. ATI manages over twelve large, federally-funded consortia with a contract value of more than $16 billion.
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