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The power of collaboration comes from many great minds working together toward a goal.  These creative partnerships result in a variety of possible solutions. That’s why ATI collaborations include experts from businesses of all sizes, academic institutions, nonprofits, and more.

In February and March of 2019, this concept of collaboration expanded even further when an opportunity arose requiring expertise in both biological threats and space technologies. The project originated with the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Consortium. The government sought a prototype to support the ability to conduct biological studies on the International Space Station. The CWMD saw an opportunity for greater sharing of ideas with members of the Space Enterprise Consortium (SpEC).

After getting approval to share the project with another community of experts, the project details were made available to members of SpEC, who could either partner with a CWMD member to respond to the solicitation or become CWMD members themselves. CWMD members could partner with SpEC members offering complementary capabilities and technology to submit innovative responses to the solicitation.

This enhanced collaboration opportunity resulted in several submissions from members of both consortia. Two submissions that had both CWMD and SpEC members on the team were competitively selected and are awaiting potential future funding.

Opening up the project to a second consortium facilitated greater teamwork and sharing of expertise, and resulted in a wider breadth of solutions presented to the government. The government was able to choose the best solution possible from a diverse selection of innovative offers. Consortium members were able to network and team with others who had skills, knowledge, and technology that complemented their own. The power of collaboration comes from the community of experts who work together, and it results in a greater possibility of reaching the best solution.

Visit the CWMD website to review the benefits of membership and learn how to join.

Published On: October 9th, 2019Categories: Success StoriesTags: ,