MTEC member researches treatment of septic shock, the cause of 70% of COVID deaths

Editor’s Note: This post is part of a COVID-19 success stories series.
Septic shock is a life-threatening condition affecting millions of people in the world. Approximately 270,000 people in the U.S. die of septic shock annually. Seventy percent of COVID-19 deaths are due to septic shock.
Vivacelle Bio, Inc., a non-traditional small business and Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium (MTEC) member, was awarded $5.3 million for the clinical trial of VBI-S. VBI-S is an intravenously injected fluid based upon Vivacelle Bio’s phospholipid nanoparticle technology for the treatment of septic shock due to various pathogens including COVID-19, other viruses and/or bacteria. This treatment is likely to be effective in elevating blood pressure to survivable levels and improving oxygenation at early and even late stages of septic shock when current therapy, consisting of fluids and vasopressor medications, have failed.
Thanks to the OTA collaboration model, which encourages participation from companies like Vivacelle Bio that don’t normally work with the government, the government has gained access to this potentially life-saving solution to rapidly address urgent clinical needs.
About MTEC
MTEC seeks to accelerate the delivery of technology and medical solutions that prevent and treat injuries and restore America’s military and veterans to full health.
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